Book goes on sale

Some of the members of Thirsk Write Now

Some of the members of Thirsk Write Now

My first piece of fiction in paper print has gone on sale, in Thirk’s award-winning independent bookshop, White Rose Books.

My work is a short story, included in an anthology from Thirsk Write Now, a community of creative writers who meet fortnightly at the Golden Fleece Hotel.

Golden Clippings is a celebration of five years of writings from us.  Our collection of short stories and poems showcases wide interests including thrillers, comedy, poetry and romance.

The group – which I only joined a couple of years ago, is friendly,  supportive, and welcomes new members.  We write short fiction to an agreed theme, and the fun is in seeing the huge variety that comes out of each individual’s interpretation of that theme.

Golden Clippings, anthology by Thirsk Write Now

Golden Clippings, anthology by Thirsk Write Now

About Helen Johnson

Freelance writer specialising in Yorkshire's history and heritage.

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